When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


Is Special Counsel Robert Mueller along with his buddy Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein diverting attention from the Democratic Party and Uranium One by indicting Paul Manafort? Are they close to hitting the panic button?  They along with their witch hunt Democratic appointees may be starting to worry about their potential implication in the funny business that went on during Uranium One.  Could any or all of them be indicted for corruption related to Uranium One?  Obviously, this observer does not know, but it is this observer’s opinion that is why Mueller is speeding up grand jury indictments—no ham sandwiches please—of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort.  Oh, by the way, John Podesta’s brother Tony failed to register as a foreign country agent just like Manafort.  When is the investigation into his affairs going to start?  Ha, ha, ha.  It appears that Hillary wasn’t the only one who was crooked.


Is the current Democratic and establishment Republican campaign against Judge Roy Moore for real or really a smear campaign? The wimpy Republicans are so afraid of their shadows that all of them are against candidate Moore.  Guess they have never heard of due process.  By the way, what about the $15,000,000 in taxpayer money spent to hush up Congressional sexual harassment?


Like some have said, it is really up to the voters of Alabama to decide what happens to Judge Moore. The investigation of sexual misconduct  should continue whether or not Roy Moore wins.  At some time during the campaign, maybe Judge Roy Moore should help the conflicted Republicans by renouncing all allegiance to the Republican Party and declare himself to be an Independent—loyal only to his constituency, God and country.  Would the Congress do a better job if everyone running for Congress ran as a true Independent with no party ties?


Wasn’t the Judge Moore sexual misconduct tactics used to remove Herman Cain from the 2012 presidential election? Was there any trial to determine whether or not he was guilty after he withdrew?  Didn’t the opposition try to use this tactic on President Trump during the 2016 campaign and since then use it to get Fox News to fire pro Trump Fox News employees?  When organizations pay off those making the charges like insurance companies do, the truth never becomes known.  Payoffs lead to the public assuming guilt whether that is true or not.


Then there is the claim that President Trump believes Russian President Putin more than his own intelligence departments. Didn’t both of them conspire to elect the ready and willing Hillary Clinton to the presidency?  Where have all the intelligence department leaks originated—In Russia?  Oh yes, what about the unconstitutional surveillance of the Trump organization from during the campaign through President Trump’s inauguration by the NSA domestic spies with subsequent unmasking of Americans?


When is the Democratic Party cover up of the political murder of Seth Rich going to end and his murder be solved?


All of this really suggests that there is no place for a person with integrity in the Democratic Party or the establishment Republican Party. Furthermore, it appears that anyone who served in the Obama Administration may have been honest when they arrived, but left corrupt and tainted.


With the possibility that Fox may start to drift to the left, it is apparent that this country needs honest TV networks that tell the public the truth. Do you think that the snowflakes and millennials would be willing to perform one year of public service to learn what this country is really about?  Ha, ha, ha.  Entitlement and political correctness precludes those indoctrinated communists from doing that.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you