When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is about power and control defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.

July 30, 2017 post entitled “A New American Way???” suggests ways to drain the SWAMP.


If Congress reduces the monies that can be saved per year in an IRA or 401k, they must immediately resign and put someone else with a brain and common sense in charge. Personal saving using a 401k or IRA  is now the only way every American can try to save for retirement since the Congress stole our money from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for their extravagant spending in order to get re-elected.  Now they want to steal more from the American people.  Too bad Congress cannot be charged with theft and put in jail.


This observer is tired of the corrupt megalomaniac politicians abusing the public trust for their personal gain. Fire all of them.  These politicians are interested only in the power to use government force, i.e., control.


If home mortgage interest and taxes will no longer be a federal income tax deduction, the change must be phased into the tax code over 10 years starting next year so that everyone can decide if he or she is living in the right state. The state and local taxing authorities in those high tax states don’t care about how much in taxes their residents pay.  If you observe the sad state of the infrastructure in those states, where is all that money going?  Stop the discrimination against the people living in low tax states in order to subsidize these high tax states.


Obamacare was never about healthcare for 3-6% of the population but the power to control 100% of the population.


The Obama EPA was never about environmental protection, but more odious power and control of 100% of the population. Ethanol in gasoline is another stupid political decision when butanol would have been a much smarter blending component.


The tax cut must favor the small business companies who generate the most of the new jobs in this country. While tax cuts for large international corporations are important, what percent of their jobs are American?  For small businesses, almost all of the new jobs are for Americans.  We live in America.


Is it possible that the stock market gains since the election have been primarily due to deregulation that is underway? Freedom to run a company without reading another stupid regulation or worrying about more new government regulations help the small business owner’s optimism.  This observer believes that deregulation and optimism have created a 1% increase in GDP over President Obama’s socialist/communist economy; however, sadly, the stock market by and large ignores how important the small business owner is to this country.


By the way even rich people who pay most of the taxes deserve a tax cut. To level out the tax rate, limit the dollars of capital gains that have favorable tax rates and when these millionaires and billionaires exceed that limit, normal tax rates begin.  Get rid of any tax break that allows those people making millions of dollars pay a lower tax rate than any middle class American.


For any of the above to be implemented, the voters will need to aggressively demand change

Ernie Kanak

No thank you