At the present time, there are nine countries presumed to possess nuclear weapons. They are the United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France, Israel, India, Pakistan and now North Korea.


In 2004, a Pakistani scientist confessed to having sold nuclear weapons technology to North Korea, Iran and Libya. In 2006, North Korea tested their first nuclear bomb.


Now North Korea is trying to blackmail the world and especially the United States. Is this action a prelude to what the world can expect if other nations succeed in producing a nuclear bomb?  The answer is yes.  However, this type of behavior is completely unacceptable.


Can the world accept the possibility that possibly 50 nations could eventually have nuclear bomb technology and possess 100 nuclear bombs each? Can the world accept that every year of two one of these countries might have a major dispute with another country and try to settle the issue with a nuclear bomb?  The answer to that question is obvious.  This type of behavior is completely unacceptable.  What to do?  Nuclear non-proliferation seemed to have worked until the Pakistani scientist sold the technology.  Now the future is unknown.


The answer must be that this terrible technology must be limited to eight nations who must enforce this restriction by force if necessary. These eight nations in possession of nuclear bombs must band together to prevent nuclear proliferation.  This technology is too dangerous to have it fall into the hands of anyone seeking world dominance or a deranged head of state.  Lacking an enforcement agreement, God help us and the world.


My prediction is that the leaders of these eight nations do not have the political will to cooperate and are not smart enough to stop proliferation until the earth has become a nuclear wasteland.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you