When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Why does the United States need more than 5.000,000 persons with a security clearance? Doesn’t this promote fishing expeditions instead of enforcing need to know?  The NSA scans everything and we still had people die in Boston, San Bernardino and Orlando.  We have 17 supposed intelligence agencies and still these killings were committed.  Why didn’t any of these agencies help prevent these killings?  Politics.  Was Robert Mueller or James Comey in charge of the FBI when the Russian Boston terrorist warnings were ignored?  Why were they ignored?  Politics.  Politicization of the FBI prevented the surveillance needed to prevent the killings.  Whose fault was that?  Was it Mueller, Comey, Obama or all three?  Over 5 million people with security clearances with massive spying on the American public and nobody did anything to stop the killing.  What good is a system that is designed to fail?  Until the FBI cleans out the political scum in their ranks, it is my opinion that the American public will trust nothing that they do.  No witch hunts!!!!


Since the NSA and the compliant Fisa Courts did not prevent unmasking of American citizens ostensibly for political purposes, what good is accomplished by the Fisa Courts and domestic NSA spying?  If the judges don’t check to see if their orders are being implemented correctly, why are they on the court?  This observer suspects that the Fisa Judges knew of the unlawful use of their orders, but sadly did nothing.


If the number of security clearances were reduced to 1 million, that is still too many to keep secrets. How many people worked on the Manhattan Project?  Who in government is charged with the responsibility to keep tabs on these security clearance holders and identify saboteurs?  Obviously the answer is that is the system we have now has no one.  What happens when an Inspector General reports a problem and nothing is done to correct it?  Corruption reigns!!!!


It is this observer’s opinion that the American public are fed up with what is going on in Washington and could quite possibly be close joining a posse to attempt to fix the system themselves. That would create a huge mess, but then except for the President and his staff along with a few members of congress, our politicians are corrupt with agendas opposed to serving the American public.  Based on TV interviews, the more recently elected members of congress seem more attuned to the wishes of the public than the dead wood members—those who have “served” more than two terms.  If the American public refused to financially support and re-elect any member of congress who has served two or more terms, we have citizen enforced term limits.  We need congressional term limits as well as a 5 year or less non renewable term limit on all federal bureaucrats.


By the way, due to the constant political party warfare, endless meaningless congressional committee meetings and congressional recesses, my vote is still for a part time congress with part time pay and no benefits while not in session.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you