When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


From the peanut gallery, Mr. Attorney General, it really appears that you find yourself in a pickle. You  recused yourself from the Russia fairytale investigation and immediately your Deputy Attorney General appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel.  Mr. Attorney General, that is the reason so many Democrats approved your deputy.  Hello, hello


A guest on Maria Bartiromo’s show this week suggested that you un-recuse yourself. If possible, you need to do it and then give Special Counsel Robert Mueller two months to provide concrete evidence of Russian collusion during the 2016 election.  If that condition is not met, the investigation should be terminated.  I hope I speak for many Americans when I tell you that we do not want to pay for and have to listen to the garbage in the media of a multi-year witch hunt for a fake crime.  To me the act of spending millions of dollars and thousands of hours hunting for a fake crime is criminal and needs to be prosecuted.  Haven’t ordinary Americans been prosecuted for reporting fake crimes?  What is different?


If your recusal reversal cannot be done, fire your deputy attorney general. As his immediate superior, you would then become in charge of the investigation.  Then issue the above ultimatum.  Sure the FASCIST Democrats, the hate Trump Republicans and the fascist mainstream press will scream and holler.  Tell them to shove it.


Mr. Attorney General, almost from day one, former President Barack Obama started to corrupt the federal bureaucracy. Please try to provide justice to the many good Americans who were abused by the IRS  only to have Obama promote the worst offenders. You are supposed to be for law and order.  Those good people have been waiting for 7 years for justice.  Do you expect them to wait for another 7 years to receive justice?  What kind of Justice Department makes victims wait that long?


More recently, there have been one murder and two supposed suicides of persons investigating the Clintons and the Democratic Party. Piecing together TV news clues, it appears that Seth Rich gave Wikileaks the DNC emails to publish.  When the DHC’s and FBI’s help was refused by the DNC, it was because they already knew how Wikileaks got the emails and didn’t want that information made public.  Ex-President Obama had to be informed about the email release by Mr. Rich and for that reason he did not report the Russian cyber attempts to influence the election.  When Mr. Rich was scheduled to testify, the DNC most likely had him murdered.  It has also been reported on TV that a member of the Democratic Party may also be linked to this crime.  TV news has reported that the DC Capital Police department has evidence from two assisting police officers who attended Seth Rich before he died as well as surveillance video.    The Capital Police are refusing to release any information on these issues.  Are we seeing the Capital Police complicit in a cover up of a political assassination?  Since the Russians are involved, where is the Justice Department investigation?


In Miami, a Haitian was questioning how the Clinton’s handled Haitian recovery money.  This man supposedly committed suicide.  It looks like the gang is getting good at faking suicides, but then Miami is a Democratic controlled city.  Where is the Justice Department investigation?


In Rochester, Minn. a Chicagoan was found dead from another supposed suicide that the police called suspicious after stating he was close to finding the missing Hillary Clinton emails. Doesn’t this warrant another Justice Department investigation?


If investigations are needed, is there anyone left in the FBI who has not been tainted by bureau politicization and can be trusted to have the integrity to do what is necessary? Since Mueller was FBI Director when Obama politicized the FBI, does that become another Justice Department investigation?  Who does the investigation?


Mr. Attorney General, please take some advice from someone several years your senior. It is time to go on offense and get off defense.  That is this old man’s opinion of how you can demonstrate to the country that you are capable of doing this tough job.  Could it be that is what President Trump’s tweets have been trying to tell you?  Do you have the guts to do the job and stay the course?


Ernie Kanak

No thank you