When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


While passing healthcare reform, a tax cut bill to stimulate our economy, build the southern border wall and rebuild our nation’s infrastructure are all extremely important, so is law and order and enforcement of the rule of law. Mr. President and Mr. Attorney General, it is this observer’s opinion that while you support the police, you have been derelict in investigating and pursuing the lawlessness of the Obama Administration.  This must stop immediately.  If every attorney in the Justice Department who was hired during the Obama Administration has not been terminated and new hires started, you are trashing the American public who want justice regardless of anyone’s politics.  If the Fascist Democrats and their propaganda media are so busy covering their backsides defending themselves, maybe there will be a little relief on the attacks on the President.


After the 2010 mid-term congressional elections during which the Tea Party was significant, the Democrats lost 63 seats and control of the House of Representatives. It is evident that the Obama Administration decided to do something to try to reverse this trend.  The method they chose was to weaponize the IRS to deny 501(c)(4) applications submitted by conservative organizations.  This tactic became public knowledge in 2012.  Nobody went to jail because the Obama Administration did nothing.  Is the current administration going to wait until the statute of limitations is passed so that they do not have to panel a grand jury and investigate?


Where is the grand jury investigation of Fast and Furious? One border agent was killed and more recently another was killed by one of the weapons involved.  Where is the justice for their families?


Did the Obama Administration spying on American citizens and companies start with James Rosen and the Associated Press? Did the spying using NSA, possibly other intelligence agencies and maybe the FBI continue until January of this year?  This extremely important matter must be investigated to insure that we still have a constitution and that these agencies are keeping this country safe.  This observer questions their loyalty to this country.  Rehire some retired agents and terminate everyone who cannot pass a lie detector test.  Having no staff is better that one that sabotages your administration.  Begin hiring new agents.  This country is not safe with saboteurs in the intelligence agencies.  It is too bad that the law does not allow treasonous people to be executed if found guilty.


The only thing that the Congressional Benghazi hearings have proved is how ineffective congressional committees are. They are as useful as the teats on a bull.  When will the Benghazi attack be fully investigated?  This event cost four Americans their lives and Obama Administration lied about the real cause.  Was it true that the United States was running guns to Syrian terrorists as rumor has it?  The cover-up after this incident was blatant.  This incident must have a grand jury with subpoena power paneled and investigated.


As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton had a private email server installed in her home. Upon the public discovering this fact and questions raised about emails on this server, she promptly deleted thousands of emails.  All this was swept under the rug during the useless congressional committee hearings.  Now is the time to impanel a grand jury with subpoena power and investigate this matter until the complete truth is uncovered.  The politicized FBI is totally worthless investigating this.  Once again if some retired FBI agents loyal to our country can be talked into returning long enough to find the truth, rehire them.  It may be the best way.  All FBI agents hired by the Obama Administration must be fired if they cannot pass a lie detector test or some better way of determining their loyalty to the country.  Clean out the FBI.  Having no staff is better than a staff that will sabotage your administration.


No matter how many hires it takes, when is this administration going to begin the job of cleaning up the federal cesspool commonly referred to as the bureaucracy? The time to begin is today and make sure the public knows and is kept informed.  We all know the fascist mainstream media will not broadcast or print a word.


Oh yes, someone needs to get after the DC Metropolitan Police to wrap up the Seth Rich case no matter what politicians or political organizations are involved. Lacking this, fire the police department management and investigate them for obstruction of justice.


In the meantime, Congress wastes too much time and money on party politics in committee meetings that solve nothing. With all the Congressional recesses, it is evident that being a member of Congress is a part time job and deserves part time pay and no benefits.  It is surprising that they sometimes find time to legislate.  Isn’t that supposed to be their primary job?



Ernie Kanak

No thank you