When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


Both Judaism and Christianity were well established religions in the Middle East before Islam was even an idea. Today the Muslims continually persecute and kill Christians because Christians have no refuge in the Middle East.  This is unacceptable.  To make matters worse, elements of Islam have started a worldwide war against all non Muslims.  This is also unacceptable.  Islam doctrine to murder non believers if they do not convert to Islam is barbaric.  Therefore, any settlement in the Middle East after ISIS has been exterminated must include the formation of two Christian countries where Middle Eastern Christians can seek refuge from Islam.  It is an absolute necessity that both Judaism and Christianity be forever represented in the Middle East.


For many years the Muslims have used oil to blackmail other nations to get the political environment they want. Soon new technologies will reduce reliance on hydrocarbons for energy.  When this happens, the oil cartels may shrivel.  Without oil blackmail, who needs the Muslim countries?  Without the technology that comes primarily from the West, and without a reformation of Islam to remove barbarism, the Muslim countries will slowly begin to return to the 6th century where they can remain isolated from the rest of the world.



Ernie Kanak

No thank you