When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


Our Members of Congress appear to forever want to do stupid things—-and this observer and many Americans are sick and tired of it. When are they going to discard the congressional way of doing things and begin to use their brains which seem to have become rusty from non use?


The stupidest thing they do is to pass a law and then turn the law over to the executive department bureaucrats to corrupt with regulations that the bureaucrats want. How stupid can you be?  Very stupid because this practice has been going on for much too long.  It is insanity to let one branch write and enforce their own regulations.  Oversight committee hearings are like locking the barn door after the horse has been stolen.  STOP STOP STOP being lazy and stupid.  Do you want to be an equal branch of government or not?  If so, then act like you do.


Next, do not turn any law over to lawyers to write. Lawyers do not solve problems—only create them so they can make more money adjudicating the law.  They fill it with words that only a lawyer can understand so they can adjudicate it.  Remember, our Constitution is a beautiful document because it was written in English that everyone can read and understand.


A law passed by Congress that is longer than 10 pages is no good because any law that affects over 300 million people cannot address all the problems. It is impossible.  Therefore, Congress must issue laws in stages—it is more work but then let them earn their money for a change instead of going on vacation all the time.  Issuing laws in stages is intended to make Congress write the regulations needed to support the law and by doing so, they reduce executive branch power and let that branch do their constitutional duty—enforce the laws.  This means that the Obamacare repeal, tax reform and immigration can be dealt with in stages.  When a mistake is made—and there will be many—it is fixed during the next stage.  Waiting to pass and issue one all encompassing law is STUPID STUPID STUPID.  That is what Obamacare did and it is a mess.  Ask the poor people who have to deal with Obamacare.


Nothing in government is more important than repealing Obamacare and passing a tax reform law; therefore, there should be no congressional recesses until a first issue of each law is passed and signed by the President. Stop all this political B.S.—it stinks.  If no recess until a first issue law is passed concerns your Member of Congress, then maybe that person should not be representing you in Congress.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you