When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


It was really encouraging to learn on Wednesday, January 25, 2017 that President Trump was going to investigate the election process for voter fraud. Voter fraud is something that the Democrats have indirectly supported for over 50 years starting at with the stolen presidential election in 1960.


When the mainstream media operating in propaganda mode during the January 24th press briefing tried to trivialize the voter fraud issue with numerous repetitive questions, in reality it really emphasized how worried the Democrats are about any voter fraud investigation.  Supposedly, the Justice Department observers and DHS assistance during the past presidential election was done to allay any worries about fraud.  The problem with that is that the Obama Justice Department for eight years fought all state attempts to reform the election process.  The usual excuse was that using voter photo I.D. discriminated while ignoring the fact that almost every business transaction in today’s world requires photo identification (drivers license).  It is suggested that any voter fraud investigation should include investigating the Justice Department.  Casual observations of former President Obama’s highly politicized Justice Department showed them to be the most racially biased and prejudiced department in recent memory.


Oh by the way, all the news commentators who have been claiming that there is no record of voter fraud do not provide on what statistical basis on which they are making their claim. Absence of statistics does not prove anything if the issue has not been thoroughly investigated.  Until they provide verifiable statistics to prove their claim, they are propaganda ministers.  Show everyone the facts before you start pontificating.


Your professional politician Member of Congress is counting on you forgetting what you dislike about him or her before the next election so that member can get re-elected. If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31 2016 post).  All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government immediately accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you