When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.

American politics is defined as the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


The mainstream media and the Democratic Party still have not accepted the fact that Donald J. Trump instead of Hillary R. Clinton will be the next President of the United States. The latest issue is President Obama’s retribution for what he has charged is Russian cyber hacking and for which he expelled 35 Russian diplomats and their families.  Did the Russians hack the Democratic National Committee (DNC) or not?  Our intelligence community says yes.  As an ordinary citizen watching and listening to the news, I am not sure that I believe them.  Why?  President Obama has politicized his administration to such a high degree that it is difficult to tell whether or not the truth is being told.  It seems that every federal department has been tarnished by this politicization.  For sure the top management of every department with its head appointed by President Obama is totally political.  This means that the propaganda and the truth, when used, are treated the same.  President Obama has a bad habit of making up “facts” to support his positions.


Obamacare was never intended to help the uninsured Americans get health insurance. If it truly had been about delivering health insurance to 20 million Americans, it would have covered only those who could not get and/or afford healthcare.  Instead the bill was written to apply to all 320 million Americans in one way or another.  Using government force, political power and control were the main objectives.


Obamacare required all companies with more than 50 employees to make healthcare available for all employees who worked 30 hours or more a week. So to keep costs down, companies hired only part time employees to work 30 hours a week or less and paid them the lower wages that part time

employees usually earn. What happened to those who needed to work more than 30 hours a week to provide for their families?  Hopefully they were able to find another part time job to make up the short fall.


President Obama convinced the Anarchist Supreme Court to label the fines a tax for everyone who did not join Obamacare. How do you get young people to buy insurance that they believe that they do not need?  You don’t, so they pay the fine.


Obamacare is an outstanding example of why big government in all its forms is a total disaster. No small group of so-called “experts” can effectively meet the needs of millions of people.  Even with all the supercomputers helping, no group is smart enough.  To make matters worse, the lawmakers tried to cover all contingencies.  Not possible and all the lawyers and politicians in the world together are not smart enough.  Big voluminous laws are as bad for the public as big government.  The lawmakers also demonstrated that they knew little about how to economically deliver affordable health insurance.


Why does a post menopausal woman need maternity benefits?   It is a dumb, stupid requirement contrary to human biology and common sense—much like communism.  Government mandates always increase insurance costs as the states have demonstrated in the past.  Government programs have always seemed to try to appeal to the lowest human intelligence denominator.  Mistake!!!!!!  In the selection of healthcare insurance, the individual must decide how much risk they are willing to undertake and then deal with the consequences if they make the wrong choice.  Now because of political  ineptitude and low healthy person enrollment, to keep insurance company costs down, the Obamacare premiums and deductibles have been raised so high that it is almost impossible to have the insurance pay for anything, so the insured pays for everything.  What good is it to have insurance if you pay for everything?  If you want to totally mess up any system, have your friendly federal, state or local government design and run it.


Why are the Democrats trying to save a health care debacle that contributed to their loss in 2016? Are they smoking too much weed or shooting up something?  Where were they when the Good Lord passed out brains?


The bureaucrats running most federal, state and local agencies don’t have a clue on how to effectively govern and cost is something about which only the taxpayer is concerned. The laws and regulations enacted are too detailed to the point that no one can use them without many times violating them.  Another stupid government practice.  When politics triumphs over common sense, chaos reigns.


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

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