It is amusing as well as somewhat frightening to listen to the news media comments about Donald Trump’s answer to Chris Wallace’s question about affirming the election results. It also points out why all the media are totally corrupt.


For Mr. Trump to affirm election results as he has explained, he needs to confirm that no voter fraud has taken place. Those committing voter fraud know that in the absence of hard copy paper ballots, it is very difficult if not impossible to prove voter fraud after the election is over.  Therefore, the best way to prevent voter fraud is to raise the issue before the election and make everyone aware that voter fraud prevention methods must be instituted.  The best way may be to photograph everyone as they enter the polls to vote.  This would provide a visual record of who voted.


In 2012 there were 70000 votes cast for Obama and none for Romney at one location in Pennsylvania. Not one vote for Romney.  Also in 2012, voters reported that when they voted for Romney, the voting machine recorded Obama.  Were these incidents investigated by the Republicans and authorities?  Probably not because the Republican establishment are yellow bellies who wet their pants when a confrontation is likely and probably did nothing to start an investigation—and then they wonder why they lost.  How stupid can you be?


The supposedly creditable pundits and experts say that if there is fraud it is not significant. Really?  In 2000, the Presidency was determined by 500 votes.  Out of 15-20 million voters, 500 is insignificant.  So the pundits and experts are full of crap and do not know about what they are talking.  They are also following the same line of thinking when they discuss illegals voting multiple times, dead people voting and much more.  Why do you think the Democrats want all these refugees coming into our country?  If you think a politician is worried about your safely, you are wrong.  One vote can determine the winner and the pundits and experts know it and deliberately ignore it.  Aren’t these people and the TV station providing false information to their viewers?  Under what rock and from which planet do the TV stations find these people?  The news media needs to find a new and better way to fill airtime rather than interviewing some dumb pundit or expert.


The media knows that almost every poll has one mainstream (scumbag) media partner who detest Mr. Trump and will spend untold effort to attack him instead of Hillary Clinton. If you believe those poll results, do you still believe in the tooth fairy?  All the news media know those polls are rigged and still they dutifully report the results.  Don’t they know that if you take an average of ten polls that are dishonest, the poll results don’t get any more accurate?  Don’t they know that if they cannot confirm the integrity of the results, they are sending out probable propaganda?  It doesn’t seem to worry them though.  It just shows how lazy and unprofessional the news media of today is.


The broadcast news media of today reads their news from a teleprompter. It doesn’t make it any more accurate.  Media bias is rampant today and has generated public distrust of their reports.  Personally, I have read news items on the internet that showed up on the news months or even a year later. Where have the reporters been?  Carrying water for their favorite politician.


The news media is reactive and only interested in gutter articles. The function of the news media was supposed to be proactive and investigative in an attempt to keep government honest.  Today’s news media is as dirty and corrupt as government.  Their political agenda is very liberal and pro communist.


The Wikipedia issue of Democratic Party emails showing utter distain for Catholics is troubling, but constituent with Communist Rule for Revolution No. 8 which states:

“By special argument cause a breakdown of the old moral virtues; honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.”[1]


Much press has been issued citing Barack Obama using radical Saul Alinsky’s “How to Create a Social State”. Hillary Clinton met with Alinsky and wrote her college thesis on his writings.


David Mikkelson has written an excellent Snopes fact check “How to Create a Social State”[2]  that everyone should go on the internet and read before casting your vote.

[1] Communist Rules for Revolution No. 8,


[2] David Mikkelson, “How to Create a Social State”,

Ernie Kanak

No thank you