Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States is a concern. As a former President’s first lady, a United States senator from New York and more recently United States Secretary of State from 2009 to 2012, she has been a public figure for more than 20 years.  With such a background, you would expect that she would know quite a bit about how government conducts its business.  Recently she has been confessing to less knowledge than someone would expect from a person with that much government exposure.


Simply put:


The news media has reported that Mrs. Clinton had a private unsecured Internet server installed in her home around the time she became Secretary of State. She said that it was for her convenience and government business was never received or sent on this server.  Could it be that the private server was intended to avoid Freedom of Information Act State Department accountability?  According to the FBI Director’s testimony before Congress, she lied about conducting government business on her server. The FBI Director testified that classified government secrets were both sent and received on this unsecure server.  Hello Russia and China!!!!!  She communicated with the President using this server so he was aware of the private server and did nothing.  More recently, after the Congress notified her to save all her emails, she had more than 30000 of them permanently destroyed with software called Bleach-Bit.  The company that destroyed the files is complicit in the cover-up and all participants need to go to jail along with Hillary.  In addition, she and her staff had more than a dozen mobile devices destroyed by using a hammer on some of them.  Has the Propaganda Press (mainstream or scumbag media) been investigating this negative news?  Ha, ha, ha.  Are you kidding?  What happened to the most transparent administration and an honest media?   Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.


By not recommending a criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton, the FBI Director has tarnished the reputation of the FBI so badly that it will take years of honest work to restore confidence in the integrity of the bureau. We all know that the Department of Injustice is in the tank for the Democrats.


She and her husband also set up a nonprofit foundation. She and former President Clinton have accepted millions of dollars in donations from foreign and domestic sources based on “speaking fees” and they now have a net worth in excess of 100 million dollars.  If you believe that those monies were for speaking fees, you still believe in the tooth fairy– but you are not alone, so does the scumbag media.  Ha, ha, ha, ha.  How is it that 200 million dollars in donations to the foundation were forgotten and initially not reported?


What were Hillary and the President doing when Benghazi was attacked? Why did she not authorize more security?  Was it because she and the President were doing something they didn’t want known to the American public—like selling and shipping weapons to Muslim terrorists from that location?  After Benghazi, Obama considered his campaign fund raiser and re-election more important than respecting the lives of the four Americans who were murdered.  Worst of all were the administration’s and Hillary’s lies to the relatives of the dead and the nation about Benghazi.


Oh yes, during this political campaign, Hillary has tried to blunt Trump’s criticism of her by using her gender. Really!!!!  If she were President does she truly believe that our foreign enemies will defer to her gender during disagreements?  Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Hillary Clinton belongs in jail for what she has done—not running for President of the United States. The people who voted for Barack Obama in 2012 are to blame for the last miserable four years of his presidency.  They and the Democratic policies are to blame for our miserable economy, the lack of an effective foreign policy, poor schools for our children, etc. etc. etc.  Are these people on a mission to see if they can destroy a nation by voting for an outlaw who in turn is protected from criminal prosecution by an outlaw Presidential administration?


If you truly want to have input into how we are governed, the country needs The Accountability Amendment (my August 4, 2016 post) and The Federal Judiciary Amendment (my March 31, 2016 post). All politicians will vigorously oppose both amendments because it makes all government accountable to the public with serious consequences for lying and actions that damage our citizens and country.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you