The propaganda press (mainstream media) is at it again.   It seems that they will do anything to misinterpret everything Donald Trump says while blessing everything Hillary Clinton says.  The latest issue is Mr. Trump’s reference to the Second Amendment.  Collectively they must have had a huge pot party to come up with their interpretation.


The propaganda press loves liars. They agree with everything President Obama and Hillary say.  Both of these Democrats have an unusual talent in that they can look you straight in the eye and lie to you.  They both have been doing it for years and the simpletons in the press believe their lies.  This does not say much for the intelligence of the press corp.  I bet some of them wanted to accompany Obama when he said he wanted to visit all 57 states.


My interpretation of Mr. Trump’s Second Amendment comments is:


Many times President Obama has taken sides on racial issues without knowing all the facts. When these issues erupt into violence, he sends his ethically challenged “Justice Department” into the area searching for political and police misconduct.  He has done this taking sides and speaking without knowing all the facts numerous times followed by a “Justice Department” investigation of the local police and political organization.  This pattern of presidential racial prejudice and seemingly acceptance of the anarchy that follows has many people believing that the President is a racist and an anarchist.


This pattern of behavior has been noticed by the general public with the result that many people have rushed out to purchase a firearm for self protection. Hillary Clinton appears to agree with President Obama’s philosophy.


If Hillary Clinton is elected President by hook or crook and starts to aggressively push for gun control (confiscation), that may be the trigger for the 70,000,000 plus firearm owners, who by law are members of the militia created by the United States Constitution, to take to the streets with their loaded firearm and take back their country from the corrupt political class. If this were to happen, then all politicians and judges may find themselves in jail while a decision is made as to whether or not they are true to the American people and the Constitution and can be trusted to resume their former positions.  This is another interpretation of Mr. Trump’s Second Amendment remark.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you