Back in the 1950s, it was more or less universally believed that the media told and reported the truth because the impression was that if they lied, they could be sued for libel. Somehow over the last 60 years or so, the media’s fidelity to the truth has been lost.  Today a political agenda has replaced the truth.  The editorial section of the newspaper was where everyone knew that it was opinion.  The television stations tried to separate commentary and opinion from hard news by stating when the broadcast was commentary.  Today both kinds of media mix opinion with hard news events with no attempt to inform the listener/reader which is which.  Today what is printed and broadcast over TV may be propaganda and not be truthful.  What happened?


The 1950s was when the beginning of the communist infiltration of the media and public school systems started. Today their infiltration appears to be very advanced.  President Obama has stated in his autobiography that he purposely favored communist leaning professors while attending an Ivy League University.  Why was not this fact broadcast by the mainstream media prior to the election?  My only source of information at that time was the mainstream broadcast media.  Could it be that the reason was that the mainstream media had no interest in the truth?  They must have wanted everyone to adhere to their political agenda.


During the 2012 presidential election one district reported that there were over 70000 votes cast with all the votes for Obama and not a single Romney vote. This smacks of voter fraud.  Did the famous Justice Department investigate?  No because the fraud was in favor of their candidate.  Did the news media investigate?  If they did, they kept it a secret.  Did the Republicans file a lawsuit demanding an investigation?  No because today’s establishment Republican Party wets their pants when serious conflict could occur over a principle.  No guts.


What about the voting machines in 2012 that were programmed to always record a vote for Obama even when a vote was cast for Romney? Did the Justice Department, news media or Republican Party do anything about it?  Once again, if they did, they kept it a secret.  Or worse yet, did a Republican do something and the news media did not report that action to the public?  Could be.  The broadcast news media is famous for not reporting on any news that they do not favor.  That is called censorship—not free speech.  The news media wants nothing to interfere with their pursuit of their agenda.  What happened to the more honest journalism of years past?


Why are there no news reports about the dead 110 year olds voting even when they have been dead for years? Agenda.  Truth be damned.  How about those cases where there are more votes cast than there are adult citizens?  Voter fraud and the scum media win again.  They don’t care if government is corrupt.  They must have been spawned in some political cesspool.  They claim to be but are not true to the American pursuit of honesty and fairness.  A true American fights to make this country better honestly and fairly.


The function of the news media as described in the Constitution is to protect the people by keeping government honest and accountable. The present day media has failed on both accounts and have deliberately put the viability of this Constitutional Republic at risk.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you