The British have voted to leave the European Union (EU). At least they appreciate the fact that without controls on immigration, they will lose their country.  The same thing is true here in the United States.


It really appears that too many politicians have fallen in love with the idea of world government control, but only if they are the ones in control. With this philosophy comes open borders with unrestricted immigration and mostly purchased and corrupt bureaucrats issuing regulations to tell you when to go to the bathroom and how much to eliminate.  How is the United States going to accommodate the two billion people who want to come and live here?  How does this sound to you?  I don’t want some dumb bureaucrat telling me what I must do when he doesn’t even know what I need and want.  Globalization is a huge fraud.  It is a way for fewer and fewer bureaucrats to tell more and more people how to live their lives.  Self determination is out the door.  Regulations apply to everyone forcing conformance.  What happened to diversity?  How are the bureaucrats going to regulate everyone’s color, height and weight to achieve diversity?  Sound ridiculous?  You bet, but the regulations are what every person must follow.  If special exceptions are made, the regulations will become so huge that no one can follow them like we have today.  Only feeble minded world government politicians and bureaucrats think they can regulate everything.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you