Why are so many Muslim instead of Christian refugees being admitted into the United States? The main reason is that we have a Muslim President named Barack Hussein Obama.  How do I know?  During a 2008 ABC TV interview (still on the Internet), Obama commended John McCain for not making his religion an issue.  His interviewer then told him that he was a Christian and both Obama and the interviewer have been lying about his religion ever since.  If you have any doubts, why does Obama  always defend Muslims and criticize Christians? Actions speak louder than words.  Did you know that the Muslim religion has no problem with Muslims lying to infidels like you and me?


Remember that Obama declared early in his Presidency that he wanted to build a non military army as large or larger than the U.S. Military. With all the illegal immigrants willing to join the Obama Democrat army and illegally vote Democrat, a no borders immigration policy and now the addition of thousands of Muslim refugees, the non military army is growing.  At the same time, Obama is reducing the size of the United States military to levels at or below Pearl Harbor levels.  If you think that fraudulent voting will not take place in large numbers especially in those states which could go either way, you are not only uniformed, but stupid.


The federal government has at its disposal more than 900 detention centers that could be used to hold all refugees until they can be properly vetted. The feds have also solicited bids for another 150 detention centers.  Why are they not being proposed for the vetting process?  Is it because the federal government will have to pay for the operation of any FEMA detention centers?  The feds would prefer to dump the refugees on the states and let the state taxpayers pay for them.  By releasing refugees on the general public instead of confining them to be vetted, the federal government is purposely putting United States citizens at risk.


When the federal government dumps refugees into states, the state governors need to transport those refugees to Washington DC and release them there. When the federal government creates a problem, let them also solve the problem.


Remember that the Democratic Party used voter fraud to elect John F. Kennedy President in 1960 and there is no reason to believe that voter fraud has not continued since then. Voter fraud was in play in 2012 and will continue to be used as long it is effective and wins elections.  Those who perpetrate voter fraud are not true Americans but are scum.  Politicians will continue to use voter fraud until they get caught and cause elections to be lost.  Maybe some honest citizens need to station themselves out of the way but close enough to photograph all voters going into each polling place.  Then after the election they can review those photos to see how many times some individuals enter different polling places to vote.  Then get the lawyers and the fun begins.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you