Most people hate liars and to listen to most of the Democrat surrogates and politicians on TV makes me want to puke. The mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and they just lie and lie and lie.  Sadly there are ignorant people who actually listen to them and believe them.  OMG.  President Obama is the liar-in-chief followed by his press secretary and then the rest of his administration along with the Democratic members of Congress.  They are big government communist wannabes and if they like the communist way so much, why don’t they just emigrate to a country with that type of government.  If the rest of the world had a lick of sense, every country would have a constitution with a second amendment.  Give the poor downtrodden people of this world a chance to defend themselves from stupid megalomaniac politicians.  Oh yes, for all the laws both Obama and Hillary Clinton have broken, the only reason they have not been charged is that they are politicians.  Is that the kind of government Americans want?  No.


The policy of letting rich people immigrate into this country is also stupid because most of them want to overthrow the government we have and convert it into communism. No thanks.


On the issue of the emails deleted by Clinton, recent heads of the NSA and CIA have said that those emails were most likely hacked by the Russian and Chinese governments. Should Clinton become President, every time these countries do not get what they want, they will very likely blackmail the President to get what they want.  Is that what you Americans want?


Since Clinton and Obama lie so much, you can ignore what they say, but watch what they do. Actions speak louder than words.


On the Republican side, now that Donald Trump has changed his campaign manager, may I suggest a couple of other changes.


He needs to leave his ego at the door and remember that his entry into the presidential race was to represent ordinary people like you and me.


When Obama and Clinton raise issues like bathroom use and gun control, they are doing so to divert the Trump campaign away from the most crucial election issues like the economy, illegal immigration, defense and terrorism. Trump has three adult children who support him, so when these type of issues are introduced by Democrats, he needs to designate one of his children as a surrogate and let them handle the problem.  Stay on the main issues and hammer Obama and Clinton on their failures.


Stay away from dumb criticism of fellow Republicans. Most Republicans are dumb as a rock and have the same problem that sometimes afflicts Mr. Trump.  They let their mouths run away with their brains.


Based on the TV news reports, Mr. Trump needs to have a large grassroots organization to get out the vote and help with voter registration. Ted Cruz supposedly had such an organization.  A good idea for Trump would be to try to get those Cruz supporters to join his team.  Remind them that the other option is a candidate who really should be under criminal indictment.


Obama won’t have the Injustice Department indict Clinton because he knew she was breaking the law and did absolutely nothing. Nothing new there.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you