We have had quite a bit if discussion about political candidate credentials. For the professional politician, it doesn’t make any difference.  Below is a modified definition of a professional politician that can be found in my book[1].  The definition:


When professional politicians make a mistake, they will make excuses to blame something or someone else. They almost never pay the price and take responsibility for their actions.


When asked a question they don’t want to answer, they will accuse others of racism, prejudice, injuring children, killing seniors etc. Alternately, they will talk around the question and never answer it.  They use emotional responses—never the facts.


They lie and don’t tell the truth.


If the truth becomes known and it does not favor the professional politicians, they will go back and repeat the two listings shown above this one.


They talk fairness and practice deceit.


A professional politician has only one constituent—herself or himself. Their main objective is to get re-elected.


Their loyalty is to their political party—not to the voters—because their party standing determines how much power they can wield.


My observations for the past six years confirm this definition.


[1] Ernest Kanak Jr., The Way I See It, Outskirts Press (2014), p.14-15

Ernie Kanak

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