It has been reported that the same participants keep showing up at the Ferguson, Baltimore and now the anti-Trump protests. Should that be the case, how can they do this and hold down a job?  They can’t.  If they cannot work, then who is paying their expenses?  Do we now have professional protesters?  When the protesters become violent and riot as has happened in Ferguson and Baltimore and now have begun to happen especially at Trump gatherings, then these protesters may have to be classified as anarchists.  My Merriam-Webster dictionary defines anarchy as “a lack of government or order” which is what happens when a riot occurs.  If these professional protesters keep showing up, would it not be a good idea to create a list of potential anarchists and start tracking their movement and sponsors?  When a protester is arrested, their name should be placed on an anarchist police registry distributed nationwide and have his or her background investigated.  If the individual has no visible means of support, the investigation must then determine who is providing financial support.  The country’s best interests are served when those organizations and/or persons providing support for anarchists are documented and made public.  Let the citizens know who might be trying to harm them or overthrow our government.


The anarchist is just one rung below the Islamic terrorist in potential danger to this country and its citizens. Let us find out who they are and have law enforcement track and deal with them.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you