Well people, with Obama trying to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, you can now see why we need the Accountability Amendment and another constitutional amendment to change the federal judiciary. Way back in the 1950s when I was going to school and being instructed about our federal government, I was told that the federal judiciary was designed to be independent of politics.  To insure that this would happen, the Founding Fathers created a federal judiciary with lifetime appointments.  But politicians being resourceful when they want something badly enough, did not want a judiciary independent of politics.  Wah lah.  We have the present day judiciary that is almost totally political.  Since the judiciary is no longer neutral and non biased, all federal judges no longer deserve a lifetime appointment.  If the judges want to be political, let them run for the position like the politicians do.  The politicians have bastardized the judiciary and everyone loses.  Justice is no longer something one would expect from the federal courts today.  Every federal judge nominated and approved is a political hack in some measure.  This is truly a sad state of affairs.  Justice is no longer just blind, it is also now political.  Sad.  Sad. Sad.


How do we fix it? We pass a constitutional amendment to force the federal judges to run for a single 10 year term and prohibit their arguing any case in federal court after their term ends.  Since the politicians want political judges, make the judges run for election like a politician.  It is suggested that three judges from every federal court run for election every two years with the longest tenure judges running first until all of the federal judges have been elected once.  Since this amendment could severely disrupt the current courts, each current judge who must run for election should be offered a one time opportunity to run for a two year term.


It should be pointed out that it is has been stated that if we the people do not like a law, we get the legislature to pass a new law. That may have been true in the past, but not anymore.  With the political philosophy that comes with each judge, the judge’s ruling is expected to conform to that judge’s political agenda.  It has become known that our most prestigious law schools are now advocating judicial activism which teaches judges to insert their belief philosophy into their rulings and ignore the written words of the law.  This is anarchy.  When any judge places himself or herself above the law and ignores the written words of a law or the Constitution, trouble can be expected.  It informs everyone who reads a law that any ruling on that law will depend on the judge.  With hundreds of judges, hundreds of different rulings can be expected.  When the written law is not followed, any litigants can expect many different rulings on the same issue.  When court rulings are based on the absence of the rule of written law, we have lawlessness and anarchy.


With this amendment, all pension and medical benefits must to changed to agree with those offered the general public. This means 401k retirement accounts and Obamacare if it remains in effect and no special politicial perks.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you