Rich People Have Become a Hazard to Our Republic

Counting moneyThe problem I see with rich people today is that they are falsely assuming that they know what is good for the rest of us and they are throwing millions of dollars toward trying to force their beliefs on us. Just because they were able to make millions and billions of dollars, they assume they know it all.  Well, I am here to tell them that they can take their billions and put it where the sun doesn’t shine.  By the way, that last location is probably where their brains reside.

One way to reduce their impact would be to tax all income above ten million dollars a year at a 100% rate with all of those tax dollars going to retire the national debt. After all, who could not get by on a measly ten million dollars a year?

We have recently seen where super rich—I am assuming they are people–have spent millions of dollars trying to implement a pet project because they will benefit from it. The hell with the rest of us.  The typical pet projects are the environment, gun control and trying to convert this country into a communist one.  In all these cases, they try to do this by issuing propaganda.  They dress up the propaganda with motherhood statements professing this must be done for the good of the country.  This only shows that they are full of what make green grass grow.

I am liking that 100% taxation better as I write this.

Another way our rich people try to force their ideas on us is to run for and get elected to office. After all, if someone is rich, aren’t they really a lot smarter than the rest of us?  They spend so much of their own and other people’s money campaigning that they overwhelm their opponent and get elected.  Look at all that money being spent of getting elected.  Millions and millions of dollars spent to get elected to a job that pays 100,000 to 300,000 thousand dollars a year.  Makes sense, doesn’t it?  Oh, I got it figured out.  It is about the power to use government force.  The rationale for becoming a politician is  “now that I am so rich and famous, I really am so much smarter that everyone else and must show the less fortunate people how they must live their lives.”  If a few people may get trampled on, but so what?  That is cost of doing political business.

I am liking that 100% taxation idea more and more.

By the way, the more corrupt the government is, the more they will follow the money. If everything is for sale and has a price, the politician just needs to keep increasing the ante until his coffers are full and then the fat cat’s ideas can be implemented.  Simple, huh?   Who says money has no place in politics?  Not me!!!

Oh, I got it figured out! The main reason for anyone to run for political office is so that they have the power to force people to do things that they don’t want to do by using government force.  Force is the answer.  But isn’t force the way totalitarian governments gain power and what they use to maintain power?  Afraid so!  That being the case, why then is force so important for a republic or democracy?  I need to scratch my head a bit and think about this one for awhile.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you