Blame the voter who stays home on the day of the election and does not vote as one of the reasons for the terrible government we have today. By childishly staying home, they let the uniformed voter determine who our political “leaders” will be.  If that “leader” is one who wants to destroy our current system of government, say goodbye to your lifestyle.


When neither party nominates a candidate the voter likes, they stay home on day of the election and don’t vote. Please pick up your marbles and go home and stay there forever because your attitude is asinine.  Maybe you need to consider living and becoming a citizen of another country.  If you do not participate in one of the most important acts in this country, leave.  Don’t let the door hit you in the behind on the way out.


Intelligent people recognize that perfection is not possible and deal with that fact. Voting is difficult because excluding presidential debates, it is very difficult for the voter to gain enough detailed information on the political candidates.  If the political candidate does not have a website, it is very difficult to evaluate how the candidates will deal with the issues.  Political parties try to get candidates elected who will support the party’s agenda and will place their loyalty to the party above their loyalty to our country.  Then what we get is scum trying to elect scum the party can control.


When voting, it may be necessary to vote for the candidate you consider to be the lesser of the two evils running for office. When you stay home, you let the corrupt politicians possibly cast a vote in your name to fraudulently elect a scum bag politician.  If you believe that voter fraud is not an issue, you are truly ignorant.  Please note that politicians have been stealing elections since at least 1960 when Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago, Illinois stole the 1960 presidential election for John F. Kennedy.  If you don’t believe me, do your homework and look it up.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you