Obama as Observed From The Peanut Gallery

White HouseDo you believe what Obama says or not? That is the question.  My answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no.

Everybody knows that on the issue of what the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) offers, when Obama said that if you liked your doctor, you could keep him and if you liked your healthcare plan, you could keep it were lies which he repeated over and over. If you know someone has lied to you, how do you analyze any future pronouncements?  If you believe a known liar, shame on you.

I have several times viewed a video recorded during a television interview in 2008 during which Obama commended John McCain for not making his Muslim religion an election issue–only to be prompted by his interviewer to say he was a Christian. I believe he was telling the truth about being a Muslim.  I do not know to what Muslim sect he belongs, but I am guessing that he is a Sunni.  This would help explain why he bows to a Sunni king in Saudi Arabia.  This may also explain why Obama had problems with the Shia president of Iraq in getting a status of forces agreement and why he consistently defends Islam but not Christianity.  This would also explain why obvious domestic terrorism is always classified as workplace violence.  Could his religion be why he delayed to more forcefully deal with the predominantly Sunni terrorist group ISIS?

You should note that the Muslim religion condones its believers lying to non believers.

Also in 2008, Obama stated that his election would fundamentally transform the United States. In this instance I also believe he was telling the truth.  With the excessive use of government force by his administration, Obama has almost succeeded in creating the United States banana republic.

Why does it seem that Obama is always attending a Democratic campaign fundraiser? Does it seem reasonable to assume that fundraising is one of the few things he is able to do well and since he is the star attraction, it must be a huge boost to his ego?

I have a problem understanding how the United States military can be the strongest in the world when the number of naval ships, air force planes and active army manpower levels are scheduled to be reduced below pre World War II levels. It does not make sense.  Could this be why Russia’s Putin is flexing Russia’s nuclear and military muscles?

Sadly we have a president who places more emphasis on domestic political power and control using government force than implementing policies that would truly benefit our nation and all of its citizens.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you