The large tech companies are pushing hard for driverless cars. Ha ha ha


These huge companies want us to believe that they can produce a safe driverless car. These are the same companies who want to sell you computers and other electronic gadgets that are not safe from hackers and viruses.  Don’t we have the cart before the horse?  How many of the occupants of these driverless cars will die when a hacker or virus takes control of that car and it crashes?  Wouldn’t it make more sense for those tech companies to learn how to produce products that are safe from hackers and viruses before they try to sell seats in those driverless cars?


Unless I have completely misunderstood recent TV ads by Microsoft, they seem to be saying that they are using the cloud to try to identify and stop the hackers and viruses. What are the other companies doing?  On the surface, it appears that they are more interested in making money selling their tech products and not worrying about cyber security.  Aren’t safe computers and tech products more important to the public than driverless cars?

Ernie Kanak

No thank you