A young uneducated pregnant woman crosses the United States-Mexican border to have her baby born in the United States.  The baby is born and automatically becomes a United States citizen eligible for all the free government benefits.  With the birth and subsequent application for benefits, the cost of our government increases and we have a huge (thanks Obama) national debt.  Instead of an educated immigrant who can contribute to the economy, we get two individuals who will contribute nothing for years if at all.  Where does the country benefit?  Is it legal?  Yes.  Is it the right thing to do for our country?  No.  Most countries do not have birthright citizenship which in our case creates a financial burden we cannot afford.  Don’t you think we need to change the law?


An educated immigrant comes to this country and begins to work for an American company. This company has just laid off a qualified United States citizen whose job the new immigrant has just taken.  The new immigrant will work for this company at a lower salary because it provides an opportunity to live and work in the United States.  If the laid off worker is lucky, he or she will find a new job possibly at a lower salary and maybe fewer benefits.  During the former employee’s job search which can take months, he applies for and receives unemployment benefits.  The company may have used contributions to a business organization to have them buy enough politicians to pass laws allowing this to happen.  For the company, they save money and may make more profit.  Maybe the CEO will get a raise.  Is it legal?  Yes.  Is it the right thing to do?  No.  This practice discriminates against United States citizens.  If the company must employ immigrants to make more money, let them move, live and operate in another country where they can but without the protection of the United States Constitution and laws.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you