The politicians, political pundits and analysts who try to influence our politics have become allies of the “they-can’t-do-it crowd”.  They are stating that amending our constitution is a difficult way to effect change, so they seem to disregard trying to do it.  They are wrong.  Where there is a will, there is a way and the political environment in this country has created a very strong will to reform and change the system.  It is not working for the ordinary people who work hard and pay their bills.  As each day passes, we are getting further away from the America that most of us know, remember and love.  The loser class is slowly destroying the country.  Can we stop it?  Yes.  Let’s get started with proposing and passing constitutional amendments that return the consent of how we are governed back to the people.  These amendments will have to be initiated by the states because the Washington corruption crowd is too entrenched for any congress to start them.


Our constitution protects the political class who use the election process.  Politicians lie and lie to the public to get elected and then do what they want after the election because they know that only impeachment and resignation will remove them from office.  The expectation is that their bad conduct will be forgotten in the two to six years before the next election.  Since too many elected officials are more loyal to their political party than to our country, the corruption of the system continues.


To give the electorate a chance to do something while all the details are fresh in everyone’s mind, we need a recall constitutional amendment.  This recall amendment would give the people the right to initiate an election at any time in order to recall any government member or act.  To start the recall election, 5% of the registered voters in any political jurisdiction must sign a recall petition. On federal issues, to prevent abuse with only two or three states casting most of the votes, it will be mandatory that a minimum of 20 states must each contribute their 5% to initiate a recall.  For small local entities, it might take only a few hundred voter signatures. In other words, the whole system of government will be subject to recall and change by the people except for Constitutional Amendments.  The constitutional amendment process would not be changed in any way.  It is recommended that when the recall petition method is approved and becomes a constitutional amendment, the recall process should start immediately to remove those who were in power in 2008 and contributed to the 2008 meltdown.


The failure of this administration and Justice Department to require Voter ID strongly suggests that they favor election voter fraud.  When almost every business transaction in this country requires some form of identification, the government’s explanation that Voter ID promotes discrimination is absurd.  Only the stupid voters want to believe that lie.


The next amendment needed is term limits of four to six years or two terms whichever is longer.  The professional politicians caused the 2008 meltdown of our economy and they must be held responsible.  The country needs fresh ideas and elected officials—not tired old officials who cause economic meltdowns


The current administration appears to be attempting to create a permanent Democratic voter base by using your government tax money to provide welfare, food stamps and other government services.  What we really need is to give people the opportunity to improve their lives by making them productive.  Productive people are happy people.  We cannot do this if people lose hope due to a huge government debt that they must repay, so we must get government spending under control with a balanced budget amendment.  In today’s world, we cannot trust our politicians with our money.  The young people of this country are headed towards a catastrophe as national spending spirals out of control and our national debt grows.  It is not fair to have present day reckless spending mortgage their future.  Billions and billions of dollars are wasted and lost due to fraud and a government that cannot account for where the money goes—it is called corruption.  Why haven’t you gotten mad about this?  If you don’t, we may all  be lost.  We need your help NOW to reform our political system to prevent the political class from destroying our country and to let the people have the final say in how we will be governed.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you