A recent national poll conducted by a metropolitan newspaper and TV network reported that Dr. Ben Carson had taken over the Republican Party lead from Donald Trump.  This may or may not be true.  If you had a newspaper and TV network with a leftist agenda and wanted to create problems in the Republican Party, what would you report? You would rig the election process to meet your agenda and report those results.   If you knew that Trump’s ego would have problems with those results and you did not want him to secure the nomination, what would you report?  By the way, Dr. Carson is a good man and both he and Trump would make a good President.  Polls mean nothing now.  Until the voting begins, pay no attention to the polls or the pundits—they are wrong too many times.


By using poll results to determine who gets into the debates, the pollsters and the TV networks are very likely manipulating the poll results to promote their favored candidates, agenda and prejudices.  It is hard to believe that polls can be trusted.  All the candidates who still want to run for President should be in all the debates—not excluded based by potentially rigged polls.  The American public deserves to hear what all candidates want to say without any media interference.  If you trust the media you have something that begins with an S and ends with a T and is four letters long for brains.


When the pundits report their analysis on the candidates based on poll results, listen to them and then reflect on what they have said based on your analysis.  More and more of what pundits say recently does not seem to be accurate.  To me, the pundits have a bias in favor of establishment candidates because they are more familiar with them and therefore it is easier to pontificate.  Maybe it is because they don’t want to do their homework to get to know the outsiders.  Lazy?  I don’t know.


Professional politicians promoted by the pundits and polls have consistently demonstrated that they are not trustworthy and do not deserve your vote.  More than eight years political experience is a disability—not an asset and all professional politicians have this much or more.  If you are interested in learning more about professional politicians, a definition of one can be found in my book.  Based on my observations for the past seven years, my definition is accurate.


More recently the political pundits have been advocating that political experience is needed to be President.  May I remind them that when our economy crashed in 2008 all of our supposed leaders had lots of political experience.  These supposedly politically experienced “leaders” first bailed out and saved the politically connected huge banks that helped cause the problem, then they passed a huge Stimulus Package in 2009 which was touted to have job ready programs that did not exist.  The professional politicians then granted a $535 million guaranteed government loan to a solar panel manufacturer named Solyndra which ultimately declared bankruptcy and stuck the taxpayers with the bill.  So much for needing political experience to be President.  The Obama administration’s poor performance is not due to a lack of political experience, it is due to his political agenda.  What is really needed are leaders who know how to solve problems and that requires no political experience.  By the way, if you have worked in the private economy you will know that politics dominate.  It is who you know that helps you progress—not necessarily what you know.


It should be noted that interviews of young people on television have demonstrated that the millennials are in large measure ignorant of the organization of the U.S. government and how it works.  Sadly, many of them recognize this fact but don’t care.  The college students who had to pass batteries of tests to graduate from high school barely know anything about U.S. history.  Why?  Could it be that they have been indoctrinated to believe that our current form of government and its history are bad?  Looks like part of a plan to me.


One last word on political experience.  This administration’s political agenda is the reason this country has failed to deliver jobs and economic progress.  By using unpopular government force and control, it may be preparing the public to accept another form of government.  Every time the public accepts government action that most people do not like without resistance, we are stepping closer to this administration’s ultimate transformation goal.

Ernie Kanak

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