Following is the peanut gallery’s two cents worth analysis of Republican Debate No. 4


Donald Trump

Mr. Trump did a much better job of behaving himself.  I really like his willingness to fight for what he thinks is the right thing to do and he is not afraid to annunciate it.  In  order to build his company, he had to be able to solve problems.  I do have a problem with his latest post debate Dr. Carson critique.  I have a problem with sometimes letting my mouth run away with my brain.  It looks like Mr. Trump may suffer from the same problem.


Dr. Ben Carson

Dr. Carson did an adequate job of answering the questions he was asked.  His big advantage is that as a doctor he knows how to solve problems as evidenced by the fact that during his medical career he performed an operation that had never been successfully done before.  We need someone who can solve problems as President.


Dr. Carson stood up to his detractors in the propaganda press. Love it!!!!  It is completely stupid that anyone in the media would take issue with any candidate that would voluntarily inform the public of his earlier youthful indiscretions.  How does the mainstream media do something that moronic?  This is why nobody believes and trusts them.


Marco Rubio

He did well.  I have a problem with his earlier position on immigration.  I did not hear his position on the Rule of Law and how it affects immigration.  At the end of his last debate, he did recommend making E-Verify (a government program which verifies who may legally work in the United States) mandatory.  I do not trust professional politicians and wonder if his Florida political career puts him into that category.  I have heard him say that he is not trying to run for two federal offices at the same time which I believe to be a good move.


Ted Cruz

I strongly agree with his positions on following the Constitution and the Rule of Law.  Good man.  His record of fighting for the people against the stupid and potentially corrupt Senators of both parties is excellent.


Jeb Bush

Since he entered the race, it has been my opinion that he is running for President to keep his family happy.   I don’t think his heart is in the race.  His support for policies on immigration (amnesty) and Common Core (the stupid stupid math) are unacceptable to me.  By making E-Verify mandatory with strict government enforcement, self deportation will begin.  His apparent immigration policy is to surrender our sovereignty to lawbreakers and illegals.


Carly Fiorina

She had a good debate but my evaluation of her candidacy is still incomplete.  She talks the talk, but can she walk the walk.  It disturbed me that she was one of the candidates that disrespected the others by talking over and interrupting them.


John Kasich

He spent way too much time tooting his horn about his record leaving me clueless about how he accomplished what he says he did.  His constant interruptions of the others had me yelling at the TV for him to shut up.  He appears to be clueless about E-Verify and like Jeb Bush, his apparent immigration policy is to surrender our sovereignty to illegals and outlaws.


Rand Paul

He had a good debate and had the time to explain his positions.  My opinion is that he makes an excellent senator but his foreign policy and defense positions remind me of Obama and that disqualifies him from the Presidency.  I am concerned that Obama may inadvertently start WW III before he leaves office.


Chris Christie

Most pundits said that he had a good debate, but I do not trust his politics.  He tried to convince everyone that he should be the one to oppose Clinton.  During the Hurricane Sandy tour with Obama, two professional politicians got together to help themselves get re-elected and it worked.


Mike Huckabee

During his 2008 run for the Presidency, Gov. Huckabee was an unknown to me.  He is much better known now, but I do think that his best chance would have been in 2012.  There are too many good diverse candidates this time.


Bobby Jindal

His major contribution to the debate is that he reminded everyone that talk is cheap—and that is all the candidates did was talk.  Since actions speak louder than words, he has told us that he has demonstrated his conservative credentials.  He makes sense to me and we must see more of him and his agenda.  It also appears to me that others do not share my opinion.  Maybe governor Jindal may have to wait for a later election if he can keep his name and achievements in the national limelight.


Rick Santorum

Former senator Santorum had a reasonably good debate, but like Huckabee, his ship may have already sailed.  He did not seem to generate any enthusiasm for his candidacy.






Mitt Romney

Not in the debate but rumored to be considering another presidential bid.  In 2012, Romney portrayed a patrician and did not have the guts to get down into the gutter with Obama to fight for our vote and the people.  Sorry, governor.  Stay home with the wife and the family.  The Republicans need a fighter this time.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you