As someone who has used computers for 45 years, when the personal computer and internet were invented in the 1980s, cyber security did not seem to be a problem. Today it is.  It seems that there is a report on someone hacking into a governmental or business network at least once a week.  How did this issue grow so large that many lives are damaged by poor cyber security?


The reason may well be because the computer and software manufacturers are selling products manufactured to a standard so low that if you bought a car manufactured to that standard, you would return it as a lemon. They want every user to sign a license agreement before using their latest version of their software product in order to use the latest new bell and whistle, but cyber security is never guaranteed.  Why is that?  Are they using the same code in their latest software that took many security revisions to correct in previous editions?  If they are, then should it not be safe?  This is not a new industry anymore.  It is hard to believe that the industry is unable to program safe software.  If the Microsoft operating system is so large that security cannot be built into the code, then everyone needs to scrap the system and buy s system that can be designed to be safe.  A safe operating system is paramount and more important than the latest bell and whistle.  Better safe than sorry.


Just imagine this. You are riding in a new driverless car on a mountain road curve at 60 miles per hour and your computer is hacked or simply fails.  What do you think is going to happen?  There is not one piece of equipment that never fails.  As long as a stranger is in that car, you don’t care.  But you are in the back seat, then what?  News reports have already documented someone remotely taking over the control of a car.  Back to cyber security—or the non-existent security.


Only when the consumer demands that the cyber products he buys will always protect his personal information and prevent hacker intrusion will security become a non issue. Until then the cyber product manufacturers will make billions of dollars in profit and you will continue to be hung out to dry.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you