So far there are 5 Democrats running for president and 15 Republicans.


It is nice to see that there are some Democrats who do not buy the coronation of Hillary Clinton as the predetermined presidential nominee.  As usual, the political pundits pay no attention to Hillary’s opposition because they have already decided that Hillary will be the nominee.  Maybe the pundits are really trying to show us dumb citizens how smart they are.  I thought that the primary elections were supposed to determine the candidate.  Are we supposed to be good little sheep and do what we are told?


On the Republican side, I don’t think we have some 15 Republicans running.  Why?  Some of these people who call themselves Republicans are really Democrats in disguise.  As I see it, most of the Democrats in disguise are the professional politicians who helped create the political problems we have today.  They are the gutless ones who have done nothing to fix the problems.


They spend time criticizing their opponents instead of telling us how they intend to solve our problems.  Why?  Some of these “candidates” have demonstrated that their loyalty is to their political party—not to their country.  If their loyalty was to our country, they would spend their time trying to find and propose solutions to our many problems.


Candidate Donald Trump has given us his opinion on issues and our Democrats in disguise and pundits criticize him and worry about the Republican Party and its image.  Hogwash.  The Republican Party’s reputation is to lie to the public to get elected and then do nothing once elected.  All they worry about is how to get re-elected.  Do you want those type of people running the country?  I don’t.


By the way, my respect for political pundits has greatly diminished.  It doesn’t matter though because I am a nobody.  They are only interested in promoting their agenda and big government candidates.  Why waste your time watching them when you know what they will say.  There is way too much time wasted on television talking and listening to pundits instead of persons who know how to solve problems.  I doubt that most politicians and pundits have a clue on how our country’s problems might be solved.  And if they did have an idea, the propaganda press would purposely suppress the information which did not agree with their agenda.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you