Communism is big government.  It begins with political activism and citizen disarmament followed by an armed takeover of the government.  History tells us that this is the time when millions of people are usually killed as the few consolidate their power.  Examples of this are the Soviet Union, China, Viet Nam, North Korea and Cambodia.  Next the communist state takes control of the means of income production and bans personal property.


Big government only serves a select few—not elite—individuals who presume that they are elite and know better than you and I what is best for us.  They are wrong and will forever be wrong.  Why?  Because no limited number of individuals can ever know what millions of people want and need.  Sadly because they have the ability to use government force, they don’t care to know what we want.  They preach fairness and practice deceit.  People who commonly do this are called professional politicians.  More can be found in my book along with my definition of a professional politician.


On the federal level, these professional politicians are the same individuals who have been a member of Congress or the executive branch administration since 2007 or longer.  They are the ones who guided the country into the 2008 financial collapse. They are the ones who pressured Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into granting home loans to persons who could not qualify for a conventional home loan and then bailed out the big banks that packaged and sold those marginal real estate loans as high grade securities.  They are the ones who instead of breaking up the banks into many smaller ones let the banks get so large that a bank failure could have seriously impacted the economy.  They are the ones who continue to grow big government, increase the national debt and leave future generations a problem that could doom them.  They are the ones who continue to violate the constitution by letting the executive branch create laws using new regulations.  They are the ones who use those new regulations to restrict future economic growth to meet political agenda objectives.  My question is how much did our brain-dead politicians get paid to do all this damage to our country?  Remember that politics is the exchange of money for the power to influence the use of government force.


My definition of a communist wannabe is someone who believes that big government control and spending can solve social problems.  They also believe that power must be concentrated in a few members of the executive department of government and the legislative branch routinely approves of everything the chief executive wants.  Communism uses an executive—I hesitate to use the word leader—who tells the legislature what he wants and needs and they pass the laws requested.


The way I see it, our big government is loaded with many communist wannabes in both the Democratic and Republican parties whose loyalty is to their party instead of to their country.  I would guess that more than 90% of the Democrats are communist wannabes with a lower percentage of Republicans.  At the present time I am not aware of any communist wannabe tendencies in any Tea Party member who previously was not already a professional politician.  Hopefully this will not change.


The communist wannabes have infiltrated and control the educational system by using federal monies to gain system access which then enables them to enforce political correctness.  The school systems appear to have convinced the uniformed parents that aggressive and misguided political correctness should be used to replace the child’s parental authority with government control.  Shaping young minds is the easiest way to indoctrinate—especially when many of the young are from dysfunctional families.  Sadly these school systems are graduating young people from high school who cannot read and write.  This is done while too many school boards nod their heads in agreement with this policy.


In addition, it appears that a large number of college professors and administrators are also communist wannabes.  This means that our youth are being indoctrinated for up to sixteen years or more.  As a parent, unless your child is a STEM student, there is a very good chance you are sending your child to college to become a good communist wannabe.  God help us.


The ultimate communist wannabe goal is communism here in the United States.  This has and may continue to be difficult to implement here due to the Second Amendment and a large older adult population who see what is happening and know that it is not right.  This may be why the government would like the old folks to die as quickly as possible, i.e., the massive defunding of Medicare diverted to Obamacare.


We have wealthy communist wannabe immigrants who presumably promote big government as a way to solve social problems and to gain the power to use government force.  I do not understand why they are allowed to do this and remain a citizen.  If they love communism so much, why are they here?


There are large sums of money donated to politicians so that the donors can have government force used to their benefit.  This promotes the corruption desired by the communist wannabe politicians because how else can they to become millionaires who later can then buy corrupt politicians to do what they want.


Money is also a propaganda tool.  Huge sums of money seem to be needed to get elected.  The presumption is that the average voter is so stupid that he or she will vote for a candidate who spends the most money to continuously repeat all the lies about how good he or she is and how bad their opponent is.  This tactic has been working so well that it continues to be used.  Are you that stupid?  I hope not because the future of this constitutional republic depends on you voting intelligently.


You should note that our elections are no longer honest.  Voting machines programmed to disregard how someone voted and register the vote for a predetermined candidate yield 70000 to 1 vote counts.  More registered voters than adults in a precinct is another example.  Dead persons who are registered to vote is a third example.  Everyone in the country has and must use valid identification to cash a check.  Why then does the Justice Department oppose voter I.D.?  Is it because the Justice Department supports voter fraud?  The Department of Justice is supposed to be fair and impartial—not indirectly supporting voter fraud.


Why is the news media silent on the issue of voter fraud?  Is it because this practice has elected politicians who share the news media’s agenda?  I wonder why they are called news media when they ignore the issue of voter fraud and instead broadcast the news about something as important as some famous person’s sexual indiscretion.  Why are there no news media investigations of these voter fraud charges?  Are the news media communist wannabes too?


More information about the concern for voter fraud can be found on websites for the Black Conservative Fund and American Civil Rights Union.


Small donors who are for the most part ignored by politicians will continue to be bombarded by requests for political donations.  Note that the campaign funds collected by politicians can be used by them for purposes other than their re-election.  What happens to the money left over when the politician collects 4 million dollars and then spends only 3 million on the campaign?


Wouldn’t it nice if an elected Member of Congress could concentrate all his or her efforts on drafting and writing legislation and the regulations that follow instead of running around begging everyone for money?  Better still would be for your Member of Congress to study and act on ways to reduce government intervention in your life and how to reduce the size and cost of government.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the executive department concentrated solely on diligently enforcing the laws passed by Congress?  Wouldn’t be nice if the federal judiciary knew how to read instead of presuming they know the intent of laws and the Constitution.


If we the people financed the general elections as I recommend in my book, then the influence of the millionaires and billionaires should be diminished because then the money given to a politician would become bribery.  Guess what system your elected politician prefers.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you