Impeachment – A Subjective Commentary

Dictionary Series - Politics: impeachThe news subject today is impeachment.  The Democrats are saying that is what the Republicans want and the Republicans deny it.  News reports state that impeachment is raising a lot of money for the Democrats.

It is interesting to note that impeachment proceedings begin in the House.  Since the Republicans are the majority, they could start the proceedings.  However, a presidential impeachment is not decided by the House.  The Senate is where the impeached one is tried and the Democrats are in the majority.  Since it takes 67 senators to convict, the chances of conviction are about as likely as a snowball in hell.  Why would time and money be wasted on a futile effort?

Recent television ads state that 60 million people watch free television.  Since many of the free television stations are part of the propaganda media, what is the probability that these stations will inform the public about the low impeachment probability?  Based on past performance, the public will not receive this information.  Why?  Well, if the uniformed voter can be kept uniformed, then when he supports the current administration and receives a request for money, he writes the check.  Of course, the informed voter will also send money so he can buy influence.

It is all about the money.  The losers in all this are the “ordinary” people.  The way I see it, there is way too much news devoted to politicians and political objectives and not nearly enough time about the effects any law has on the people.  Are we second class citizens who need to be kept uniformed?

Ernie Kanak

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