Hooray for Rand Paul trying to stop the NSA collection of everyone’s metadata.  At least this senator believes in the Constitution.


Has the American public been conned into thinking that changes were made with the Freedom Act?  It appears that only the timing of the collection may have changed.  All NSA has to do is request and collect the data before it is destroyed by the phone company.  I do not know how soon after the metadata has been generated before NSA can collect and store it.  Did your Member of Congress vote for it?  Are we waving goodbye to the U.S. Constitution?  Totalitarian regimes love this kind of policy.


I have a huge problem with former military commentators on TV making derogatory remarks about anyone who criticizes the NSA.  Who the hell do they think they are?  The NSA personnel took an oath to defend the Constitution and they are supposed to disregard any unlawful order.  NSA was not created to pursue domestic spying.


And here I thought that this time our power hungry politicians in Congress got their chops busted. I was wrong again.  I define a power hungry politician as every politician who has been in the Congress more than eight years in the House and more than two terms in the Senate.  I fail to understand what good they do for our country.  They pass laws they may or may not have even read and then let the executive branch write the thousands of regulations that become law.  The Constitution states that only the legislative branch can pass laws.  With the executive branch writing regulations that become law, your Member of Congress is taking your money on false pretenses.  And they will continue to suck on that government teat for as long as you let them.  These individuals swear to uphold the Constitution and then too often forget that oath.


Intelligence is the collection of information needed to secure and/or protect an objective.  Many people have been conned into believing that NSA data collection satisfies that objective.  Meaningful data collection provides important information in time to deal with a threat.  A billion data points does not meet that goal simply because nobody—but nobody—can quickly and intelligently analyze that much data to determine a risk—not even a supercomputer.  The supercomputer is fast but its data analyzation is only as good as the human programmer.


Osama Bin Laden was found using human intelligence—not a billion data points.  A CIA human analyst tracked him for years and a Pakistani doctor fingered him.  Oh yes, our government has abandoned that doctor.  That action is a really good advertisement for getting other persons to work with United States intelligence.


The drone program uses visual data, targeting and human intelligence to kill terrorists.


With all the data collection, why were the jihadists here in the United States able to kill American citizens including one poor woman who was beheaded?  Their venom was paraded all over the internet.  The Boston bombers were on the internet too.  Why is NSA collecting billions of metadata on law abiding citizens and ignoring the jihadists?  Is it faulty computer programming or something else?


Human intelligence was provided to the FBI on the Boston bombers.  Was it ignored because the politicians and FBI agents were more concerned about the false gods of political correctness and targeting than protecting the public?  I don’t know, but you can chalk up those fatalities to your government’s inaction.


We, the American people, are stupid.  We believe the tons of B.S. fed to us by politicians most of whom lie to us all the time.  Shame on us.  When are we going to wise up and take back our country from these duplicitous politicians?  For me, it cannot come soon enough.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you