The Peanut Gallery is offering some advice to the 2016 Republican presidential candidates based on observations of what happened during the 2012 presidential primaries and general election.


Stay 100% on the issues at hand in the primaries.  Clearly tell us what your agenda is and your willingness to fight for it.  No personal attacks on your rivals.


Save your down and dirty politics for the general election after you have secured the nomination when you can join the Democratic Party candidate in the gutter and use their type of gutter politics.  If you are not willing to practice gutter politics if and when necessary to fight for us and the country, get the hell out of the race.  Oh yes, contest every election result where voter fraud is suspected.  There will be a lot of them.


If you win the Presidency and renege on your agenda, I hope you have to deal with massive civil disobedience demonstrations.  Get ready to resign.


Is anyone going to take my advice?.  Sure, the day after hell freezes over.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you