Most people wonder if social security will be available to them when they reach retirement age.  Why is this?  One of the reasons is that your government has spent the monies that were supposed to go into a trust fund.  How do we fix it?  We privatize it using the method I explain in my book.  You should know that this method is approved by the federal government and is currently being used.  The government will have to reduce spending as more and more people participate in this plan.  Isn’t it a shame that the government will have less money to waste?


The Social Security Administration (SSA) is supposed to keep records on deceased social security card members.  Why then have earnings been reported for persons who if alive would be well over 100 years old?  What is the SSA doing about this obvious fraud?  Who in the government is benefitting from this illegal card use?  Does anyone in government care about right and wrong?


It has been reported that for privacy reasons, the SSA cannot inform a card holder when someone has committed fraud and is using his or her social security card number.  What brain dead bureaucrat or elected official caused this to happen?  It has been reported that the Supreme Court also played a role in this fiasco.  How and why?


Wouldn’t it be nice if the “social security” payments that you received from your plan were not considered to be entitlements but actually a return on your investment?  The plan I proposed in my book  does that.  It is better for you, your children and your country.


I don’t know, but I wonder if the SSA will not be the source of the next scandal that the Obama administration will declare that it knows nothing about, claims it will fix and then completely ignores hoping that the public will forget and the problem will go away.


Ernie Kanak

No thank you