Based on what happened to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) when the Supreme Court reviewed the law the first time, I have little hope that the Supreme Court justices will do the right thing this time.  In fact, it would not surprise me if the court ruled 6 to 3 in favor of giving subsidies to those people who the law excluded.  Why?  We have too many federal judges and justices who no longer believe in the written word but will only rule on their interpretation of what they think the written word is supposed to say.  Therefore, these judges and justices no longer believe that the written word defines the law and they no longer believe in a literal interpretation of the words in the Constitution.  That being the case, they no longer believe in the Constitution and these persons are in fact politicians who have no place in the federal court system.   The political system has converted the federal judicial system into a partisan political cesspool.  In my opinion, any judge who votes for ignoring the written word in any law in favor of his or her political agenda should be impeached.  But they don’t need to worry though because the Congress does not have the guts to do the right thing because it might interfere with their re-election.  Scum bags all who place personal gain ahead of the good of their country.  No wonder we have such a mess.


All justices that vote to grant financial subsidies to those the law specifically excluded need to be impeached.  But we all know nothing will happen.

Ernie Kanak

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