Well, Hillary Clinton is back in the news again.  I wonder how things are going in her “elite” world.  Did she get caught with her hand in the cookie jar using a personal internet service provider in her home?  And this happened while she is working as the country’s Secretary of State?  Are we to believe that her ISP is so secure that it cannot be hacked?  Have the government technocrats have made it secure?  But this cannot be because the President has said that he never was aware that a personal ISP was being used.  This a tech savvy President who uses electronic communications all the time and he doesn’t see where the email originated?

Boy, this personal ISP is really great if you want to erase everything to prevent public scrutiny.  But we all know that she will release all of those emails made from this server, right?  Oh yes, and I am twelve feet tall.  Will the lies, deception and propaganda never end?  It won’t until the American people publicly demonstrate that they will no longer tolerate such behavior.  Why can the supposed “elites” lie and get away with it while ordinary people like you and me might do hard time for the same actions?  One reason is that many of these “elites” are law school graduates.  On the news and in my personal life, I  have observed attorneys who believed that they were above the law and could do almost anything they wanted to do without any consequences.  Maybe they had a strong sense of entitlement.  They knew what the law required and willfully disobeyed it.  They knew that our court system can be corrupt and many times they will never be charged with a crime or will only suffer a slap on the wrist if they are discovered and convicted.  After all, don’t defense attorneys lie in the defense of their clients when they know their client is guilty?  Who will go to jail over this one?  No one!!

Will this become another of this administration’s scandals that they will stonewall and delay any action on until the stupid American public forgets again?  Probably yes.  This type of malfeasance seems to be so frequent we need to start assigning numbers.

How do we ever get off this merry-go-round?  It will happen when the American public gets so mad that they decide to do something about it.  Until then, hang onto your hat.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you