The primary mission of the Revolutionary Guard must be to insure “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth”[1]


The people most likely to lose their freedom are the hard working honest citizens who obey the law, so the Revolutionary Guard should give them the sole responsibility to protect our constitution that guarantees our freedoms by having  thousands of commands in every state using force when necessary.


The Revolutionary Guard is not intended to replace law enforcement and political systems.  Instead it must be used when those government systems fail to protect the people.


Political systems present the greatest danger to losing our country because politicians and bureaucrats assume unconstitutional authority they do not have.



On previous posts, this observer has suggested that the country and American people need an organization to protect them and our constitution from politicians who pass legislation that promote advancement of a political party and/or another form of government like Communism which they call socialism.  After the 2020 election controversy and Joe Biden was declared the President elect , Biden continually preached unity for all Americans.  However, as soon as he became President, he started issuing executive orders that do not favor all Americans.  One of these orders stopped construction of the Keystone Pipeline and cancelled the operating permit. This order was made for purely political reasons upsetting our Canadian partners and costing 11,000 American workers good high paying jobs.  It was designed to destroy our energy independence forcing use of foreign oil at higher prices.  Higher energy prices will hurt millions of low income Americans.  A second order stopped construction on the southern border wall and repealed President Trump’s immigration control orders essentially to create open borders with the expectation that future lifetime Democratic voters will be created.  This order will permit thousands of illegals who may be sick with the COVID virus to enter this country to compete with  millions of Americans who lost their jobs due to the pandemic.  This same vote buying principle applies to college debt forgiveness proposed which is the only reason the Obama administration took over this debt from the banks.  On this issue, the best idea suggested by others is to have the colleges assume this debt so students choose majors that pay enough to pay back their loans.  How do all Americans benefit from these political actions?  They do not.


Sadly, the rule of law is dead in the United States today.  This is especially true in cities and states controlled by the Democratic Party.  Criminals and illegal aliens have more rights than do law abiding American citizens.  What we have now is the law of the jungle which means that almost anything goes.  Jungle law is unacceptable.  It is time to replace this madness with the higher standard of right and wrong.  This should be the standard used by the Revolutionary Guard to judge all crimes against the American people.  As stated previously, revolutions take no prisoners—but it should also be recognized that there is no reason for this revolution to be covered in blood.  Probation with zero tolerance violation gives the revolutionary court/judge the option to avoid execution.  However, violation of probation must be a death sentence.  Committing a crime against the American people should be punishable by death.  It is this observer’s opinion that most people still know the difference between right and wrong but not enough people live by that rule.  Schools formerly taught young students the difference between right and wrong, but teachers and teachers’ unions have destroyed that option.  Some of that education may still exist but it will probably be found only in private and small school systems which do not have unions.  it appears that teachers unions and too many teachers teach that government is more important to students than their parents–similar to the  former Soviet Union indoctrination of its young people.  Anyone who believes that entitlement, political correctness and revised history are good is wrong–and we have millions of them in this country.  On the college level, too many school presidents place more value on money, power and control than educating their American students to be independent thinkers.  Independent thinkers are the inventors of the new technology that Americans value.


It is this observer’s opinion that the political system is so corrupt that a political solution to our problems is not possible.  Only an organization such as the Revolutionary Guard backed by the use of necessary force is the only way this nation can prevent a communist takeover of this great nation promoted by the Democratic Party.  They are the evil enemy.  Only force will be able to overturn stupid statehood and Supreme Court packing laws.


The people most often hurt by government stupidity are the hard working grassroots citizens; therefore, the Revolutionary Guard must be organized and controlled only by grassroots citizens.  To be effective, there must be thousands of Revolutionary Guard commands in all American states and territories who will work together when necessary to meet our country’s needs.  This means that the whites, blacks, Hispanic, oriental, native Americans, etc. must commit to restoring constitutional government that the political systems have systematically taken away from us.  All the Guard members must own a firearm and be willing if necessary to fight to prevent the Communist takeover of this country now under implementation by the Democratic Party with help from Republican Rinos.  If you think that the Democrats want t to wait two years to take over, you are dumb as a rock.  They want it today.  Revolutions have no rules they must follow and take no prisoners.  Since the Revolutionary Guard’s main missions are to protect the United States Constitution to preserve the individual freedoms protected by that document and to use the higher standard of right and wrong in all deliberations.  Revolutionary court decisions have no appeals and double jeopardy is possible with no statute of limitations.  Since there are no Revolutionary Court appeals, sentenced are swiftly carried out.  There are no delays so common in our current jungle law.  To protect the integrity of all elections, acts of voter fraud are punishable by death.  It should be noted that a death sentence for a crime is most likely the strongest deterrent against a similar future crime.



The proposed tasks for the Revolutionary Guard will require millions of participants.   If we have millions of members, then it will be time for the People to tell the politicians what we want and they had better do it.  No more lies.



This observer believes that stopping the massive illegal immigration currently underway on our southern border is priority one and must be fixed now.  Observance of the rule of law is only possible with the consent of the governed.  The people decide to obey the law.  The present administration has issued executive orders so stupid that the American people can no longer abide by the rule of law—hence the need for the Revolutionary Guard with millions of members in thousands of commands in every state and territory.



Illegal immigration is the Democratic Party’s attempt to maintain permanent control of the government.  They want it today.  Therefore, the People must ignore the unlawful executive orders (civil disobedience) and Guard members must resist the invasion of our country and support discouraging illegal immigration by going to the border to fire warning shots in the direction of the invaders to stop the invasion and, if ignored, shooting and killing every adult illegal alien who steps on United States soil.  All children will immediately be returned to Mexico.  The American People must not let policies by the politicians in Washington destroy our beloved country.  At the same time, a search must begin to find every illegal( 30+ million ??) residing in every state in this country and make them leave this country.  Once deported, illegal entry back into the United States is an immediate death sentence without any trial.  We must find a way to finance this border action and have enough participants so that no Guard volunteer needs to spend more than a few weeks defending his/her country.


The American people want secure borders, so the President’s unlawful executive orders on immigration and the wall cannot be obeyed.  President Biden is not a king.  Finish building the contracted southern border wall and shut the border down to protect every American.  Only legal immigration is permissible.


For the second time during my lifetime, the Democratic Party has stolen a Presidential election—JFK in 1960 and Joe Biden in 2020.  It must never happen again.  A high priority item for the Guard must be to investigate every affidavit submitted on 2020 voter fraud.  The last number mentioned was one thousand.  The voter fraud methods used are now being proposed by Congress.  The Revolutionary Guard Courts must investigate what the political government would not and find a way to inform all Americans of the results.  All proven voter fraud must end with the execution of those persons who committed the fraud.  If Congress were to pass the fraud legislation, then the Guard must consider removing from Congress every member who voted for it.


In previous times, when someone violated the law and the public’s interests, the Attorney General would go to a judge and get an injunction and restraining order to shut down the violation and to force changes to meet the law.  This no longer happens, so the Revolutionary Guard must shut down operations using necessary force until a correction has been made.


Since Big Tech and social media interfered with the 2020 election, their corporate headquarters should peacefully shut down for two months.  Turn the power off.  All foreign nation employees of these companies must leave the country in two weeks.  Refusal to leave is not an option because foreigners have no place in this country during a revolution and could easily become casualties.  Shutdown violations extend the length of the shutdown.  If political intervention resumes after shutdown, then these companies must be shut down for another six months or permanently.


During the Korean War, captured American soldiers were subjected to propaganda indoctrination that later was called brain washing.  The Supreme Court would label this free speech.  They legislate from the bench but do not see any difference between propaganda brain washing and free speech.  Five TV networks have continuously broadcast propaganda they knew were lies for five years.  The lazy Americans who watch only those networks believe those lies and vote using that data.  Therefore, the five brain washing networks must be peacefully shutdown by the Revolutionary Guard for two months.  No electrical power—no broadcasts. More propaganda after the two month shutdown, then like the big tech and social media, a six month or permanent shutdown will be necessary.  All of this is because in an earlier time the Attorney General would get an injunction to shut down these companies until the matter was fixed.  We do not have an honest justice department and federal judiciary so this option does not exist..


All of these companies who have interfered in our election process are digital and need electrical power to function.  The American people lived very well before the digital systems existed.  Why not live without these companies for two months


Another massive problem is public unions and their abuse of the American people.  With this pandemic, the teachers who are unionized have demonstrated that they like the politicians are interested only in money, power and control.  For now only the teachers unions must be abolished.  If they go on strike, who cares because they are only indoctrinating our children (our future) against parents and teaching anti parent, anti social garbage and revised fake history when they are teaching.  The country is better off with no teachers in this case.  This observer was educated for 5 ½ years (4 grade school and 1 ½ high school) in systems where the whole school district was in one building—and received an excellent education from dedicated teachers and learned about ex post facto in the sixth grade.


Moron school boards who do not protect their children from indoctrination must be replaced immediately.  We have no time to waste.


Colleges and universities that receive large sums of money from foreign governments must return that money.  Non disclosure of these monies and failure to return money when confirmed by Guard investigations should require the school to be shut down for one year.



All 400,000+ Chinese nationals employed or attending college and university schools must leave the country in three weeks.  Zero tolerance must be observed.



The Washington DC swamp is a problem.  There are no indications that any honest patriotic persons work in the swamp.  Not one member or the FBI, Justice Department, intelligence departments etc  can be trusted.  Are there honest people working in those departments?  Yes, but they stay hidden and unknown so when the Revolutionary Guard comes to cleanout Washington every member may be charged with a crime against the American people and executed.  Without a good way to tell the good people from the bad people, all are considered bad.  The bureaucracy of the federal and many states are so corrupt that action to remove them must be taken and only a huge organization of millions of Guard members will have the power to do it.  .


With the huge agenda listed above, can everyone see why we need more than 25 million (100 million would be better) people to start or join a Revolutionary Guard command and most importantly living close to all of the activities that must be fixed.  .


Since we have jungle law, it is hard to understand why any Supreme Court decisions must be obeyed.  What everyone seems to have forgotten is that the rule of law as mentioned earlier is effective only with the consent of the governed.  It is this observer’s opinion that government has lost the consent of the American people.  Those who consider themselves elites are the enemy.


May God bless the United States of America and all of its citizens.

[1] Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address

Ernie Kanak

No thank you