This observer has  worn eyeglasses for over 65 years with reasonable success until two years ago.  Instead of buying glasses with progressive lens, I tried to save money by buying reading and distance glasses.  I did and that is when my vision problems started.  My vision with distance glasses was foggy and  I could not clearly see.  My vision was much sharper when viewing without the glasses but limited without magnification.  The new glasses were lighter than my old ones. My reading glasses caused problems and reading was difficult if not impossible.  Why?


So after struggling with poor reading vision for some time I bought another pair of glasses prescribed by a different optometrist.  Same problem and the doctor diagnosed dry eye and poor vision in one eye.  The poor vision in one eye can be corrected with eye glass optics—it has been done for centuries.  We tried to treat those problems, but reading clearly was not possible.


A third pair of glasses with a new optometrist were purchased with the same result. Why?


I went on the internet to research eye glass lens materials..


As a result of my internet research, my problem is the polycarbonate lens material from which these glasses were made.  The part that really disturbs me is that all those optometrists were clueless as to the terrible effect polycarbonate lens could have on people with astigmatisms when they complain of poor vision with new glasses.   You can confirm this lens material problem by going to:  In a search for some magnification to see better, I purchased magnifying aids and safety glasses which were not very useful because their lens material is polycarbonate.  I recently purchased eye glasses seven and eight that have some improvement, but so far my ability to read easily has eluded me.   There are glass and other plastic lens materials that avoid the polycarbonate lens distortion.  Two years of not being able to easily read has been a living hell and cost me thousands of dollars.


In a previous internet search in pursuit of better vision about 18 months ago, I found the Outback Vision Protocol.  At the time I purchased it on the internet, it cost $37 and is copyrighted so no copying is legal.  I have been making and consuming their smoothies since then.  The protocol claims it can restore 20/20 vision but my use of it was never with those expectations.  I just wanted improvement.  It has improved and today I can use my computer without glasses for the first time.  I also have glycoma and have had a laser operation that did not work and have taken meds to control internal eyeball pressure  for years with my pressure reading of maybe 18—but usually higher.  At my former ophthalmologist’s office, he measured my eye pressure at 13 and 13.  Maybe I took a bit more smoothie that day.  A couple weeks ago, my new doctor measured my eye pressure at 15 and 16.


The numbers do not lie.  The protocol helped me reduce my pressure in my eyes to much better numbers.


For years I have had problems with the solid preservative used in glycoma medications.  The caking, itching and coating of my eyelids with solids was a constant issue.  Recently a doctor recommended using Vaseline.  It works.  Now my eyelids are soft, pliant and free of solids after Vaseline.  I still wash my face and eyelids with soap and water to finish cleaning them.


Recently two new prescriptions were done and new glasses ordered.  The progressive pair with a better plastic have very slightly improved my reading vision but give me double vision.  My distance vision while driving gives me two cars coming when there is only one until the car gets close enough to see only one.  But I do have a pair of glasses purchased earlier in this debacle that while driving do not give me double vision.  By the way, I do have a pair of old glasses that I have had to use to read.  Why for 63 years were the doctors able to prescribe glasses that improved my vision and now they cannot?  You could say that it is due to my age, but then how do you explain the fact I have found previous prescriptions that provide better reading and distance vision?  Maybe these doctors are out of control on their astigmatism corrections.  My last two doctors have told me that my astigmatism is not severe.


n summary, I hope this post helps someone who may be having these kind of vision problems.  Have a good day and stay safe.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you