After the bizarre events that have transpired since the 2020 election, this question is probably on the minds of most thoughtful Americans.  For decades Americans have trusted the evening news to keep them informed.  Sadly too many Americans still do and are completely unaware that for the past four years these trusted sources have broadcast propaganda lies about the Trump administration and Trump followers.  To make matters worse, these lies have been repeated and the truth covered up or not reported.  In this effort, the propaganda lies have been supported by social media websites, big tech and the increasingly Marxist Democratic Party who almost purposely take every opportunity to violate the Constitution.  All of this malfeasance culminated in using voter fraud to remove President Trump form office.  He must never concede and is the lawful 2020 presidential election winner.  To make matters worse, state elected officials and judiciary have refused to investigate more than the reported 1000 affidavits documenting voter fraud.   In other words these government entities were telling honest citizens you do not count for anything.  To this observer, these state actions are criminal and against the honest American people.  This cannot be tolerated. In addition, the United States Supreme Court refused to hear these complaints.  In reality, the Democrats have already packed the Supreme Court and that is also unacceptable.  It has recently been reported that Joe Biden in some states received more votes for President than there were registered voters.  How can that be?  Voter fraud.  Many of the voting machines used to tabulate the vote are foreign owned and controlled and designed to rig elections.  Why haven’t these machines been seized so they can be checked by experts for fraud?  Is law and order gone forever?


If the January 5, 2021 Georgia election and the January 6,2021 Congressional review go against the Republicans and President Trump, then an illegitimate President and Vice President will be sworn in.  Whether or not President Trump is re-elected or not, two special prosecutors must be appointed—one to investigate the election fraud and the other to investigate the Biden family abuse of power. Any and all congressional panels to investigate the problem are useless and a waste of time.  If an illegitimate President fires either prosecutor after January 20, 2021. that will be confirmation that crimes have been committed.  It should be noted that after the 1960 Presidential election was stolen using last minute votes in Chicago, Illinois, the Republicans did not protest.  It has been reported that both Richard Nixon and President Eisenhower later regretted that decision which more than likely has encouraged the Democrats to use voter fraud to win elections every since.


With dishonest elections in the future, this means the everyday citizen who always loses to political misconduct will forever be slaves to their government.  The solution is to form or join a Revolutionary Guard command to ultimately have a total of more than 60 million members who are patriotic and are willing to fight to protect our Constitution that guarantees the freedoms we enjoy today and must enjoy forever.  If you are an American who is white, black, Hispanic, Asian or native American, the Guard needs you.  The Guard must always be controlled only by the real Americans citizens (grassroots) who lose when freedoms are lost.  If true Americans can come together in the millions, what would stop them from forming an America First political party to replace the too often corrupt present parties.  A group this large could also influence the financial markets and tell Congress what we want and don’t want.


Why do we need a permanent Revolutionary Guard?   We need the Guard because our political system, corporations, Wall Street and legal systems all worship the false pagan gods of big government, money, power and control.  We need some organization to protect Mr. and Mrs. ordinary citizen like you and me from political and government abuse.  By having only grassroots commands and a national organization that only declares total citizen participation, there is no one leader or group of leaders taking over.  Thousands of grassroots commands will prevent any single command from taking over.


Revolutions take no prisoners.  It is suggested that both probation and death sentences be used.  Probation with mandatory restrictions which must be honored prevents the revolution from becoming a blood bath; however, the penalty for violating probation is death.  Why you say there must be a death penalty?  Most people who commit crimes fear the death penalty the most, so it is the strongest deterrent to future crimes.  In addition, a person or group that commits a crime against the American people is permanently removed from the scene.  Once again, the standard to be used to judge if a crime has been committed should be is it right or wrong—not legal or illegal which more and more each day the Marxists are declaring there should be no penalty for illegal acts.  That is why the 2020 and future voter fraud conviction penalty must be death.  We may have already lost our country to the Democratic Party fraud.


Voter fraud is the criminal act that could permanently destroy this country.  We the people cannot let that happen and must organize and fight back to save our country from the crooks.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you