We Must Leave The United Nations

United Nations, GenevaAs we all know, the United Nations was started in 1945 to try to solve disputes between nations peacefully.  In its charter, it resolved “to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small”.  Like many new organizations, it really tried to follow its charter,  Unfortunately, also like many older organizations, as it ages it strays further and further from it original purpose.

For example, where was the UN when terrorists kidnapped young women in Africa?

Where was the UN when the terrorist group ISIS started slaughtering Christians and other minorities in Iraq and Syria?  Has everyone forgotten what the Nazis did in World War II?

Where was the United Nations when Hamas starting locating their rockets in UN schools in Gaza?  Does the UN expect the world to believe that they were unaware of this being done?

Where was the UN when genocide was being committed in Kosovo in the 1990s?

Why in some Muslim countries does a woman who wants to go abroad need her husband’s written permission?  Is this the equal rights of men and women?

Why are there nations which have no regard to its citizens’ human rights on the UN Human Rights Council?

The UN is now trying to implement Agenda 21 here in the United States.  Basically Agenda 21 advocates that affluent people are a problem because they consume too much of the earth’s resources, insists that any animal has the same rights as a human being, restricts where people can live to high rise communities in concentrated areas, insists that there is no private property and individual freedom, dictates that consumption of natural resources must be limited and a select group of people using TOTALITARIAN CONTROL will tell the masses how to live their lives.  The UN wants to be the select group and implement a world government with taxing authority.  The way I see it, the current administration has been trying to implement Agenda 21 since 2009.  If you don’t believe me, look at the news reports since 2009 and compare the government’s actions against the list above.

Without gun control it will be impossible to implement totalitarian control here in the United States.

Today the UN has morphed into a huge political organization that has become corrupt and useless to maintain world peace and security.  Does it make any sense to support any organization that allows itself to be used to support terrorism as in Gaza?

It is time for the United States to withdraw from and stop funding the United Nations and give that organization a maximum of two years to shut down their offices in New York and move to another part of the world.

Ernie Kanak

No thank you